Unraveling the Link Between Amino Acids and Cognitive Function in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) ??7/4/2023
The number of people suffering from and/or dying from chronic kidney disease (CKD) has increased over 41% since 1990. A study was recently conducted demonstrating the link between decreased cognitive function in patients with CKD and amnio acid levels as measured in the brain and blood. The study discovered that people who were suffering from CKD as well as decreased cognitive function had lower than normal levels of circulating L-serine. While not mentioned in the study, last month's DCAM article review presented evidence of low levels of L-serine in the brain were associated with cognitive decline. Taken together, these studies present an interesting proposition involving L-serine supplementation possibly being used to assist patients suffering with cognitive decline. Please click here to learn more about the study discussed here.
There is mounting evidence that a little known amino acid named serine could prove to be a key indicator in brain health and cognitive function. A mounting number of studies have been conducted leading researchers to conclude the level of serine as measured in the brain may be an indicator of brain health and function. Additionally, another study done on rats showed how serine is a regulator of neurotransmitters, and how supplementing the rats with serine resulted in increased cognition and decreased anxiety. To read more please click here.
Scurvy, though very much a disease of the past, still plays a part in the health of people around the world. Scurvy is classically caused by a severe lack of vitamin C intake in the patient. Vitamin C deficiency at levels far below those that cause scurvy can and are causing multiple health problems. In centuries past, sailors were the one who suffered from Scurvy. Today, those who suffer from this severe vitamin C deficiency are often the people who have a highly restrictive diet excluding foods containing this ultra important micronutrient.
Young children with Autism can be extremely picky about the foods they eat. In some cases, three of which are detailed in the below linked article, this can result in severe micronutrient deficiencies, including vitamin C. This subclinical lack of vitamin C, while not reaching the level of deficiency necessary to cause scurvy, is causing a host of other problems including joint pain, muscle pain, difficulty breathing, easy bruising, lack of appetite, fatigue, and many other issues. If left untreated, this condition will reach the level of scurvy and ultimately death. Doctors and parents/guardians of children with Autism are learning this condition has far reaching impacts on many facets of the childrens' lives, including their physical and mental health. Finding a way to ensure these children have the proper nutrition is not only absolutely necessary to maintain their health, it is also absolutely necessary in treatment of this disorder. If this post has made you more curious about the effects of micronutrient deficiencies and how proper nutrition is being used to treat patients with Autism please see this article and this summary for more information. Scientists, doctors, and laypeople alike have known for many years that Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids (O3EFA) have positive effects on the human eye. One of these amazing benefits is increased lubrication. What was not known until recently is that these same essential fatty acids can also have restorative and healing effects on the cells within the eyes.
Recent studies have shown that O3EFAs are helpful in "restoring neural and retinal cell integrity." But these amazing fatty acids don't stop there, they have also been recently demonstrated to assist with brain cell apoptosis, neuro-inflammatory signaling, and promoting and maintaining cellular homeostasis. This new and developing area of research might help explain why children with higher levels of DHA, often obtained through human breastmilk and/or fortified formula, often have higher IQs. For more information about how O3EFAs are being utilized by the body to help repair vision and heal the brain, please click here. For more information about how EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids) assist in childhood brain development, please click here. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a serious syndrome that can only effect women. While not well understood, doctors have attributed several different symptoms to PCOS. The three most commonly associated symptoms are infertility, hyperandrogenism, and insulin resistance.
Infertility is a rising condition in more and more women these days. Hyperandrogenism involves the production of too many male hormones, notably testosterone. This overproduction can cause a plethora of health issues, including acne, increased facial hair growth and PCOS. Insulin resistance is often caused by Hyperinsulinemia, meaning too much insulin. Hyperinsulinemia is worsened by insulin resistance in a vicious cycle ultimately leading to the development of type 2 diabetes. Both insulin resistance and hyperandrogenism cause inflammation in the body. This inflammation is believed to be the cause of PCOS. The question then is what can be done to prevent PCOS and what can be done to treat PCOS in patients who have already developed the syndrome. The answer to this question may lie in the levels of micronutrients circulating throughout a woman's body. There are several vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients that have been show to positively affect inflammation and ultimately PCOS. If you would like to read more about what those specific nutrients are, please click here. Scientists have identified over 50 different hormones in the human body. All of them have their own specific purpose and function. Of the 50 plus hormones, estrogen, testosterone and progesterone are the three most recognized sex hormones.
Testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone are all vitally important to both sexes for both health and function. All three of these hormones serve similar and different functions in both sexes. Just as men need testosterone, women need it as well. Similarly, men need estrogen just as women do. Where the difference lies in these sex hormone requirements is the amount of hormone that is required to obtain or perform a specific task or characteristic. If you would like to learn a little more about what these hormones do in men and women, what relationship these three hormones have with each other, and a few strategies to manage a person's hormones and overall health, please click here. "So it's the New Year and I am in the mood for a new me...again. This year I am going to pick a new diet (because other diets have failed) and I am going to stick with it! This time will be different!" The preceding statement is one said or at least thought by nearly every person in history who has ever tried loosing weight more than once.
Why is it that when we try to shed the pounds we packed on we do a great job at first. Then when our weight loss plateaus we loose hope and abandon the diet. The honeymoon diet phase is over! Almost inevitably, all the weight we lost comes crawling right back onto our bodies, again. There are several reasons why what many refer to as the "yo-yo" dieting routine fail. Some of those reasons are biological, but more often the reason is more simple. Want to know the main reasons why diets fail? Diets fail because diets don't work. It is as simple as that. We as humans do not do well sticking to diets because they are restrictive and somewhat punishing, depending on what diet you are trying. The only thing that works; the only thing that can truly work for a lifetime to help a person loose weight and keep that weight off is a permanent, long-term adherence to a lifestyle change. A true lifestyle change is different from a diet in that the changes you make to what you eat and the way you eat are permanent. Now, before you run away screaming thinking what is suggested here is a lifetime "diet," let me assure you that is not what a lifestyle change is. A lifestyle change is certainly a modification to some of the things you are eating, but it is also an understanding of why you are making that change. Education and knowledge are the keys to the success of a permanent lifestyle change. At DCAM, we will teach you not only what to eat but why. We will show you how to replace certain foods with other more healthy options. Replacement, as opposed to elimination, is important so you do not feel as though you are being completely restricted from certain foods, flavors and textures. You will learn about the short and long term consequences of your current eating habits, as well has how and why you might need to change those habits. For a truly fascinating article about many of the biological reasons why the majority of people tend to regain all the weight they loose during a diet, take a look at the following article. In the article, Maclean thoroughly explains many of the biological factors involved with initial weight gain as well as the challenges involved with loosing significant amounts of weight. Please click here for the article. Over 500 million people worldwide are suffering from diabetes and that number will likely only increase in the coming years. Currently, insulin and other pharmacological drugs are the only prescribed treatment options to lower blood sugar. But what if we could find the proper macro and micronutrients that both alone and combination could be equally, if not more effective at treating diabetes? Well, there is current research that shows a very promising and much more natural way of treating diabetes and other blood sugar metabolism issues. Click here for more information. Still curious, here is another great article discussing the promising synergistic effects of micronutrients on diabetic patients.
Breast cancer is the number two killer of women; outranked only by skin cancer. An estimated 290,000 woman are diagnosed with breast cancer every year. This number is alarmingly high and wholly unnecessary, especially when you consider what you are about to read. Mammograms are often thought of as preventive; this is a misconception. A mammogram, at best, can be an early detection tool. True preventatives are often overlooked and underrated. In the linked article you are going to find out how 4 simple vitamins, when properly incorporated into a woman's diet, can have an outsized impact on the prevention of breast cancer. Click here for more information.
Sleep, genes and nutrient status...How are they all linked to the quality and quantity of your sleep10/3/2022
Are you the early riser type, or the stay up late type? Are you able to get up early most mornings and start conquering all of the items on your to-do list? Or are you the type that needs a cup of coffee and no interpersonal interactions until at least the point when that first cup is empty? Have you ever wondered if your sleep and wake habits are effected by more than just the amount of caffeine you've ingested or the amount of stress you are dealing with? The answers to all of these questions may very well be tied to your genes and the levels of specific micronutrients flowing throughout that gloriously complicated body of yours. Click here to read more about how gene expression and nutrient status can impact more than just the color of your eyes and the density of your bones.
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