About DCAM
Are you confused about all of the crazy health claims on the market ranging from the keto diet to intermittent fasting? Should I refrigerate my probiotics? What is a HIIT work-out? Should I eat eggs? Gluten-free? Non-GMO? Is your head spinning?
Tired of being shuffled from one medical professional to the next? Tired of 15 minute appointments with a specialist who doesn't know your name or your medical history? At DCAM, your good health is our only goal, and we will take the time to help you achieve it. Being healthy isn’t a fad or a trend; it is a lifestyle. Most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel. At DCAM we dispel the myths and provide you with up-to-date research and facts. We provide you with recommendations to promote your optimal health and wellness lifestyle. We also take into account your “wallet” and suggest diagnostic tests which make sense for you. Many healthcare places do a one-size fits all approach where they can over test wasting your time and money. All of our thoughtful-approach protocols are individualized based on your unique health history, genetics and environment. |